Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wow, Vegetables DON'T Suck (Part I)

Yea! It's true! I recently started cooking more and more with various types of veggies, and they make my mouth water now. Here's a short list of vegetables that DON'T suck, and why.

Ah, yes. Those cucumber-like things that used to annoy me because they came with my Chicken teriyaki when I SPECIFICALLY asked them to serve it with no vegetables. Well, I recently opened my skillet to them, and oh what a glorious reception it was! These things are delicious. Michelle first introduced them to me, what with her being an avid herbivore, served with pasta. And you know what? Forget cucumbers, man. Cucumbers are boring as shit, they're too watery, and they do not cook as well as zucchini!

Spices that go well with zucchini: I would say with confidence that almost all spices complement this guy, except I would recommend you avoid cooking zucchini with cinnamon, cloves, most crushed seeds (except sesame seeds), and bay leaves.

I mean, I'll be honest, I usually eat carrots with peanut butter. I used to refuse to eat them at all (unless they were very very thinly sliced into a salad). I tried them fairly often in Panama, and, when cooked properly, they are awesome. I like my carrots either steamed, roasted, or sauteed paired with other vegetables. Another benefit of carrots is that they are cheap and keep for a long time in a refrigerator crisper drawer! I've had a bag in there for 3 weeks and they are still beautiful and orange. But honestly, it's all about the spices you put on them while cooking them.

Spices that go well with carrots: Basil, cinnamon, marjoram, tarragon, and thyme, but definitely experiment and see what else might go well!

-Green Bell Peppers-
Dynamic, sweet, ever-so-slightly spicy, and abundant. They are normally around 79¢ at Kroger when they are in there strongest season (NOW) and they have so many uses! I have been using them when sauteing vegetables, making quesadillas, and preparing rice dishes. I'll be detailing how to make perfect quesadillas in a future post!

Spices that go well with green bell peppers: I almost exclusively reserve basil for green peppers, even though they really are a spice all their own. I'd also try thyme or rosemary with bell peppers for an extra bold flavor.

-The "Vegetables Don't Suck" Sauté-
These three vegetables taste delicious together, so I've provided a simple recipe to cook them to perfection. It is dumbed down a bit for people who are less adept in the kitchen (like myself). I'll be discussing cutting methods in later posts.

1 zucchini, sliced into wedges or discs (at least 1/4 inch wide; if they are thinner they will burn quickly and fold over/shrivel up and die)
2 full-size carrots, sliced into discs
1/2 green bell pepper, diced
crushed basil
minced garlic (you can buy this in a jar already minced for you)
sun-dried tomato and basil feta cheese
olive oil (I like to use extra virgin olive oil, primarily because my mom recommends that)

1) Heat olive oil (evenly spread out in the pan) with your stove burner set to medium.
2) Add 1/4 tablespoon (tbsp) of minced garlic and cook until appears to be golden brown.
3) Add carrots and green peppers and basil. Sauté for at least 2 minutes before adding the zucchini.
4) Add zucchini and a little more basil. Cook until they begin to brown (because burnt zucchini is gross).
5) Serve directly from the pan onto plate or into bowl. Top with feta cheese "al gusto" (as they say in Panama), or "to your liking"

-And Don't Forget...-
Be innovative! I encourage you to NOT follow my instructions very closely. Discover something new! Let me know if you change it up.

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