Friday, June 3, 2011

The Frittata (a "Shifty" Dish, not a "Shitty" Dish)

I call the frittata a "shifty dish" because it can easily be altered and made to taste just as great as any other frittata. A frittata is an egg-based, "bready" pie. It's delicious and can be prepared for breakfast, lunch, or dinner (all depending on the ingredients)! It takes about 35-40 minutes to completely prepare and cook. As usual, it fits the bill for one of my favorite recipes: it's cheap, it's easy, and it's tasty as fuck! And the recipe makes four servings, so you can either make it with your friends OR save some for a lazy night when you don't feel like cooking. I am personally a strong advocate for the "make too much food so you'll have some for later" cooking method! It still tastes just as good, if not better, after being refrigerated and heated in the microwave. Though, I'd only leave it in the fridge for about 5 or 6 days being tossing it.

Here's my frittata, of which Michelle is a huge fan. I call it...

The Breakfast for Dinner Frittata

Ingredients (Find or Buy Me!):
- half of a tomato, sliced
- half of a green bell pepper, sliced
- minced garlic clove (or pre-minced garlic in a jar, both Michelle and I would call this a personal preference for ease of use and efficiency of cost)
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil OR butter
- 5 eggs, beaten
- 1/2 cup bread crumbs
- 2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated
- parsley, as much as you want

Directions (Follow Me!):
1) Preheat the oven to 350º.
2) Heat oil or butter in a pan with garlic until hot.
3) Sauté the tomato and bell pepper with parsley for about 5 minutes
4) In a medium-sized bowl, mix cheese, eggs, bread crumbs, and sauteed vegetables.
5) Pour into a circular, glass pie dish or a casserole dish and place in oven. (It wouldn't hurt to spray a little non-stick spray, but it's not absolutely necessary.)
6) Cook for 25 minutes. Check to see if its ready by sticking a knife into it. If the knife comes out clean, the frittata is ready to eat!

Feel free to alter it to your liking and make a new frittata! Eggs are cheap, so if it doesn't turn out like you want, TRY AGAIN!

Leave your comments below if you liked this recipe, have suggestions, or have any requests! I want to hear from you guys!

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